I was recently challenged by one of our supporters to make our prayer requests more known. I guess I have failed in many regards in making them known. Lots of times in ministry you tend to focus on the "doing", when many times we need to focus on the prayer needed to "do the doing". So, I will try and once a month put up a post that specifically has our prayer requests on it. I will simply list them in a list order...no specific order of importance, just I like doing things in lists. this one is a big one since it is the first one in a ling time! Thank you all for your prayers and support in our ministry. And to my good friend who reminded me to make these things known, I thank you for that good reminder. As iron sharpens iron...
1. Continued health of family
2. Provision for home schooling curriculum
3. "Proceeding On". Pray for more sales and that it would be a blessing to whomever purchases it. i am trying to find a Christian outdoors ministry, camps, etc...that may be interested in purchasing a bunch. Prayers appreciated.
4. That all our children will walk with the Lord
5. A small vehicle to run errands in. We are truly blessed to have a van, but juggling life with 6 kids and one vehicle can be hard at times. Pray for wisdom and provision if we were to get another vehicle.
7. Wisdom for future ministry with Gospel Guy. To put it short, this ministry is exploding and I need wisdom on how to further proceed with it...how to grow it...how much to grow it...vision..etc
8. Fall Outward Apologetics School. I have been working hard putting this school together that starts in September. Prayers appreciated as September comes closer! Pray for more students...we have a confirmed 7 rite now. Would love to see 10!
9. For my lovely Sarah as she raises our kids and as the new school year approaches!
10. I ask you to pray for the confirmation of the Lord on a specific ministry related project am considering doing in the future. I am not privileged to share what it could be, but all I ask is you pray for God to make it clear to me if it is something I should do! That's it!
11. For our last two weeks of summer Mission Adventures groups! That we would finish the summer strong!
12. Increased monthly support. I am trying to raise $500 more month this year for our family. Pray for the Lord to cross our paths with those whom may be interested in our ministry.