"I was walking up a trail in the mountains somewhere. As I looked ahead, I saw a rattlesnake in my path, but it was way to far up ahead for me to be concerned. I slowed down and waited for it to get out of the way. As I did, the snake rattled and lunched at me from far away and it seemed to just keep getting longer as it made the lunch. Just in the nick of time, I crinched my neck to my shoulder as I flinched and the snake bit into my jacket, missing my skin and neck. I woke up sweating, and a bit scared." I was not sure what the dream meant, but I recall taking a few minutes to pray and ask the Lord for protection. I felt led to pray for protection. The next day, I told Sarah about my dream and then I began to think about it a bit more. I feel that this dream was meant to remind me of how Satan does not want the Gospel to be proclaimed. He wants our voice to stop, he wants to silence those who proclaim the name of Jesus. I never have dreams. Which is why when I do, I pray about them if they have any spiritual meaning or significance. As you know, we are getting ready to launch the Gospel Guy Network in Salem this month...a ministry whose whole purpose is to train the local body in how to do evangelism, and then get them doing it, leading people to Christ. It is very intentional in its purpose, and i know the enemy does not desire it to succeed. Interestingly enough, the night we were supposed to have our first "Foundations Training" I got the flu....I never get the flu. So i had to cancel it to this week. Along with that, Sarah has been battling pnemonia for two weeks, and the kids have been sick with all sorts of things. Coincidence? Not this time. We need your prayers. Please pray for Sarah's healing, and that she would recover completely from pnemonia. Pray for the kids, that they would stay healthy. Pray for me, as it seems Satan is throwing a lot at us to stop the work we are in. I am convinced of the certainty in our calling at starting the Gospel Guy Network, and one of the indicators is the spiritual battles we find ourselves in the midst of.