What your looking at is the future location of the Gospel Guy Network office! We have been praying for a about 6 months about potentially renting a small office downtown. Long story short, after taking our students on our "Temple Tours", one of the place we would take them to was the Christian Science church. The people there are good friends of ours, and we pray that one day they would come to know Jesus. Anyway, they are temporarily renting the above office as they do repairs for their larger one. They asked us if we would like to rent it after they were out...month to month...for $400. They are not the landlords, but they connected us with the landlords. How cool is that? A place being used by a cult will soon be used for the Gospel Guy Network! Pray for us, we do not have $400 a month. We are asking network church partners to pray about committing a sum of money for an initial 6 month trial period for us to see if this office is worth it. One church has already committed $100! We hope to be getting it in August. We see it serving 4 main purposes:
1. Continual Downtown Presence
2. Launchpad for all our teams and churches involved with the network
3. Place to run our monthly training times out of
4. Meeting place to speak with people off the street