A new outreach we do. Simply ask people what things come to mind when they see certain pictures. Great ice breaker.
We officially have one and a half weeks left of our Outward Apologetics School! The past 3 months have flown bye, and our students have been absolutely amazing. Since our last update, the topics we have covered have been: Bible Overview, Evangelism, Islam, Cults and the Occult, and Church History. Every week our students have been fire housed with new information, coupled with 12 ours a week of outreach with Gospel Guy. In this school we have seen around 10 people come to know Christ through the bold witness of our students. One story in particular that really stands out is one of our students Hosanna has been meeting regularly with one girl she met while doing outreach. Last week, this girl gave he life to Christ! Hosanna was so encouraged! Our last week of lecture will be on the topic of heaven and hell, followed by three final days which consists of an outreach up to Portland, a final 100 question test, and our students will be split up into three groups and will be teaching in different churches in our city on the topic "Five Reasons I am A Christian."
Three rugby players I witnessed to in the mall. the guy on the right gave his life to Christ. It was beautiful. |