The kid in the picture above was from a youth group doing mission Adventures from Lincoln, Nebraska. He was the prom king, sports hero, super popular kid in his school...you know the type. Anyway, his youth leader told our staff to be praying for him and that the Lord would break his pride that had built up over the years. The first two days of the week were pretty standard, then Wednesday came and we took students on the bus. I stood up and preached the gospel, and as usual I began to go form student to student to ask if they would like to share. This kid, names Isaiah said he wanted to, but was petrified. I prayed for him, and told him there was only about 10 minutes left before we had to get off the bus. At that exact time, the bus stopped and about 10 people got on. His face turned chalk white. As I started to talk to another guy, all of a sudden Isaiah stood up and began to speak. At first, you could tell he was struggling, and almost sounded as if he was scripting it. then, all of a sudden, something changed, his lip began to quiver, and he began to weep as he preached. He began to tell others of how Jesus saved him, and how he no longer cared what people thought, they needed to hear the gospel. It was a beautiful moment. A prom king brought to tears. Isaiah later in the week committed to a life in missions. God is so good.