Saturday, August 12, 2017

Adalyn Jane Walter

On Thursday, August 10th, at 3:40 am, Adalyn Jane decided she wanted to come into the world and meet her family!  Sarah had a very smooth delivery.  From the time we got to the hospital until baby came was about 2 1/2 hours.  Adalyn weighed 7 lbs 13 ounces and was about 21 inches long.  We came home yesterday, as they released her after 24 hours.  All is well, and the kids are super excited to hold and spoil their new baby sister.  I get 2 weeks off from work to stay at home, which I am tremendously grateful for and looking forward to.  Thank you all for your prayers for the baby,for Sarah and for our family.  We are so blessed, and give glory to God for the gift of life.  

Autumn was the first to get to hold Adalyn which made her VERY happy

Life is tough when your a baby

As always, the older kids had something special planned to welcome Adalyn to her new home

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Rebranding the Gospel Guy Ministry

We have decided to rebrand the Gospel Guy ministry.  Basically, what this means is we will be giving the ministry a new name.  Nothing about the ministry will change, we just feel like the name needs to change to help us reach our goals and vision more effectively.  We also feel the name is actually at times a hindrance in the promotion of the ministry, and getting people to understand what we are about.  So, we ask your prayers as we rebrand the ministry. Stay tuned!!  

A very busy July

The past 4 weeks have flown buy. We hosted around 150 high school and college aged students through Mission Adventures, which means all of them did outreach with the Gospel Guy. So many amazing stories, so many times Jesus was glorified. sometimes, I need to pause and think how many people participate in our ministry here, sometimes it feels overwhelming, but it is always so satisfying. Lives were changed this summer.  Salvations happened, students faith were challenged, and the name of Jesus was lifted high. 

Mission adventures Students in front of the Gospel Guy Office downtown. We had around 150 students be a part of our ministry over the past month in July. 

Prom King brought to tears

The kid in the picture above was from a youth group doing mission Adventures from Lincoln, Nebraska. He was the prom king, sports hero, super popular kid in his know the type. Anyway, his youth leader told our staff to be praying for him and that the Lord would break his pride that had built up over the years.  The first two days of the week were pretty standard, then Wednesday came and we took students on the bus.  I stood up and preached the gospel, and as usual I began to go form student to student to ask if they would like to share. This kid, names Isaiah said he wanted to, but was petrified.  I prayed for him, and told him there was only about 10 minutes left before we had to get off the bus. At that exact time, the bus stopped and about 10 people got on. His face turned chalk white.  As I started to talk to another guy, all of a sudden Isaiah stood up and began to speak. At first, you could tell he was struggling, and almost sounded as if he was scripting it.  then, all of a sudden, something changed, his lip began to quiver, and he began to weep as he preached. He began to tell others of how Jesus saved him, and how he no longer cared what people thought, they needed to hear the gospel.  It was a beautiful moment. A prom king brought to tears. Isaiah later in the week committed to a life in missions. God is so good. 

Training and Equipping

This past month I had the opportunity to head up to Vancouver, WA to do some training with a partner church who hits the streets every Tuesday.  It was a great time, and very encouraging to me as i see the GG ministry grow to be a blessing to other churches.  Pray for East Vancouver Community Church as they become more involved with the ministry.  All of the people above were sincere Jesus loving people who desire to become more bold in their witness. One of our "catches" is that we do not train people unless they are committed to coming out and doing outreach.  These folks are and recently went out with their pastor and had an amazing time.

Anders turns 15

On July 26th, Anders Noah turned 15.  Where in the world has the time gone?  We are very proud of him and are amazed at his giftings. He stays busy between putting on magic shows for schools, church groups, nursing homes, etc... as well as being very involved with the Little Eagles program with Experiental Aviation Association.  He is a hard worker, and is completing his ground school to get his private pilots license!  Cray to think that it is quite possible that Anders will do his first solo flight when he is 16! He is still telling us he wants to either be a missionary pilot, or some sort of engineer.  We will see!  As you see in the picture above, his little brother Alistair thinks the world of him!