I was thinking the other day of all the small things I need to get down for the ministry, and I began to feel overwhelmed. I began to grow frustrated as I reflected on areas we need to improve on, success' and failures, etc... Then I paused for a minute and just looked at the "Big Picture" of what God has been doing via Gospel Focus Ministries. First time I hit the streets with a Gospel Guy sign was in July of 2013. We then planted the Gospel Guy Network in March of 2015. We then got an office downtown in October of 2015. During that time we began to add things to our ministry like Temple Talks, Bus evangelism, the Outward Apologetics School, the Toolbox, a Jew, Christian and Muslim Enter a Room, etc... We began to work with college students, local Christian High Schools. This past year, we saw Gospel Guy start in Vancouver, WA and Albany, OR. A few months ago we rebranded and came up with Gospel Focus Ministries as our umbrella name for all the various ministries we are doing. Not only have we become a hugely influencial and well known ministry in our city, we have also become the primary ministry that YWAM Salem uses to train all of its DTS students in evangelism. Take this amazing statistic I did the numbers on. In the past 4 years, we have seen 250 DTS students go through YWAM Salem. All of them have worked alongside us as we have hosted their weekly evangelism. On average, every student did 2.5 hours of evangelism with us each week, and on average in a 12 week DTS they did 10 times of outreach. Thats 25 hours per student, times 250, and that comes out to 6,250 hours of evangelism with DTS students over the past 4 years with Gospel Focus Ministries! This is just DTS students, not to mention people from churches, Mission Adventures Students, and us full time staff. Thats a lot of evangelism! Thats a lot of the gospel being proclaimed! The Big Picture does help to reflect on at times! I share this not to gloat, but to step back and reflect on how faithful God is in His work. Thank you all so much who pray for us, and support us in our work. You are all in this with us! Look what God has done and is doing! :)