Thursday, April 4, 2013

Why Thursdays Bother Me

Thursdays bother me. Let me share why.  Every Thursday, all of the staff here at YWAM Salem get together for intercessory prayer.  I find, every week, that I am bothered by a few things. The first is that  I have to take an hour out of my day to not focus on myself, or my agenda.  Intercession has nothing to do with me.  And that bothers me.  The second thing, is that I am forced to look at the bigger picture of the needs of the people of the world, which makes me get out of my little comfort bubble I like to hang out in.  And that bothers me. The third thing, is that I am faced every Thursday with a terrible truth....I am a selfish man at the core, who honestly many times cares little for the things on God's heart, but cares much for my selfish ways.  And that bothers me.  Yes, Thursdays bother me.  And this is good.  It is good to be bothered of the things of God.  It is good when God reveals our hearts, and the issues that we need to deal with.  I hope God continues to bother me every Thursday, so I
may grow closer to Him and his heart.

1 comment:

  1. I could say the same about Sundays..
    Sundays bother me.. Every Sunday I would rather stay in bed then go anywhere on a Sunday.. It is the day of rest after all. Sunday's Bother me because I wish I had children who wanted to be at Mass.. I wish I had a husband who wanted to go as well.. Sundays Bother me, because I ache to have the whole family with me at church on Sunday.. MY husband finds God with our youngest and I take my oldest to mass with me.. Sundays bother me because getting ready for Mass and oh my the grief before on the way and during mass.. Oh how they don't believe.. I heard it all down to they will worship you know who when they get older just to annoy me.. I said well, then God must exist if you think the other guy exists.. Oh how Sundays Bother me.. Yet, how I get closer to the Lord when he gives me the strength to say to my children who come with me to mass. I can't get to heaven on my own. I must show you and teach you all that I know God to be, and it is up to you to choose him for yourself one day.. Sundays may bother me but I know my husband is finding God with our Autistic son and young child.. I know I will find God in the community on Sundays and when Mass is over the peace and joy we all have all week long.. God is Good they say and Oh how I am bothered by a Sunday, but when Sunday bothers me I know I have no greater LOVE through his love and the giving of himself and I am healed through his words.. . I pray each and every Sunday.. LORD, prepare room in my heart always for Jesus and bring us to Ever Lasting Life.
