Sunday, June 30, 2013

A Birthday and a Telegraph Machine

It is hard to believe already that our little Annie turned two on Friday.  She is full of sass and spunk!  She is sure trying to keep up with her brother and sisters!  The below picture is of Anders in his treehouse after he built his own homemade telegraph machine!  I am not kidding, he sure did and it works great.  He and his brother now send morse code messages to each other from the tree house (more like a tree platform!!) to our shed.  One of the things I love about this picture, is it defines who God designed Anders to be.  He is a task oriented kid. Focused, resilient, and not willing to give up on something once he has started. Anders is not a big fan of big groups of people, but boy does he love doing projects by himself.  This challenges me as his dad, whose personality is just the opposite! I personally would of given up 10 minutes into the telegraph project, but not Anders.  God has uniquely designed the kids so different.  The highlight of the day was seeing Anders face when the first..tap tap tap was heard on the telegraph and seeing his big smile and hearing him yell, "I did it dad, it works!!"  "Yes you did son, yes you did."

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