On Monday we hit the streets with our students to do Gospel Guy. My friend Tom who was our speaker for the week joined us. It was typical day, some good conversations, some not so good. As I was talking to Tom a young man named Jordan approached us. Now plese note, that is a very uncommon thing to have someone approach us and engage us in discussion without us having to take the inititative first. Tom and I began to talk to Jordan. I do not believe i have ever seen such a hunger in a young man to be sincere and seek truth. He shared his life story with us, in how he grew up in a Chrstian home and left the faith mainly because of so many unanswered questions. My friend Tom did a great job answering his questions, and in return asking some great questions to get Jordan thinking. Long story short, in the end, Jordan nelt down on the pavement on the corner of Chemeketa and Liberty streets in downtown Salem and surrendered his life to Christ. I called a local church and introduced Jordan to the pastor. Pray that Jordan's new found faith in Christ would grow deeply and richly.