This past Friday our 6 students graduated from the Outward Apologetics Seminar. It was amazing how quick the past 8 weeks went! They all did a fantastic job during the school. I could write a novel on all the amazing things that happened, but most of it I have encompassed on our weekly updates. The students last week was what we called their "project Week" in which we had them do a number of different things. To sum it up, take a look at the below pictures and the text below each one explaining them. I am super excited for how the OAS is going to grow. Plan is rite now to run a full 12 weeks school next fall.
Our students taught on evangelism and apologetics in local youth groups
Students had a 60 question Final Exam on the weeks of lecture |
Students shared the Gospel in the open air t our city park
Last day of school our students went to different areas of our city for reflection. This is taken in front of the famous Circuit Rider Statue commemorating the early pioneer missionaries who brought the Gospel to this region
The last morning of the OAS, our students shared the Gospel on the streets of our city. This is the point of why we do the equip others to share the Gospel |
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