The past 2 weeks we hosted around 35 high schoolers for our Spring Break Mission Adventures. The two weeks were amazing. Every year around this time, I begin to ask myself if I am getting to old for this type of ministry, but then I see what the Lord does in the lives of the students and I cant imagine not doing it. Our theme this year is "Exhale/Inhale", and is based off of Titus 3. Plain and simple, lives were changed, and not just the students lives either.
The Gospel Guy Office downtown has been a huge asset for our briefing and debriefing times
Taking students on our Temple Tours. Always an amazing eye opening time for them. |
Students with their bus tickets rite before we took them to preach the Gospel on our city buses! |
The last evening of the week we had students and leaders proclaim the Gospel on a stool in our city park. Great time. |
It was great to do our Crosswalk Outreach on Good Friday! |
Our MA students had tons of evangelism opportunities, and spoke to people of all different worldviews. This is the hand of a guy named Dillon who our students spoke with. First time any of them spoke with a professing Pagan.
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