I wanted to share an amazing story of something God did while we were on our way back from our trip out to Mese Verde. It was our last stop in Spokane, WA, and we booked a room at a hotel. When I booked the room the previous night on the phone, the guy who was on the other end named Levi was super nice and accomodating. In fact he gave us an upgrade in our room, at a lower price than a standard room...all because we were from Oregon and so was he! I'll take it I thought as he offered. Anyway, when we arrived and got settled after a long days travel, I went down to the front desk to just talk to Levi, thank him, etc... As we began to talk, he shared with me a bit of his story, how he ended up in the area, etc.. Turns out he was raised Mormon. I then asked him if he still was Mormon, and he answered, "No...as a matter of fact, Im basically really confused about the whole God thing rite now." I took that as an opportunity, and for the next 30 minutes we talked, and I share the gospel with him. He began to cry, and actually had to step out of the room because customers were coming in! Talk about God moving! Yes, it was a bit awkward, but Im used to that. To make a long story short, we exchanged info, and he comes to Portland once a month to go crabbing. He asked if we could get together and talk more. Please pray for him. Pray that he would follow up and respond to the email I recently sent him. Pray that Levi would give his life to Christ. I love this story because it is such a great example of how God can take something ordinary, like stopping at a hotel while traveling, and turn it into something extraordinary.