Sunday, November 11, 2018

The Yankees and the Red Sox

The above picture is of me and a friend I recently met named Moose.  I was downtown doing evangelism with our OAS students.  That particualar day, we were doing our coffin outreach in where we are simply asking people what they think happens when you die.  I noticed this man above walking towards us and asked him if he had a second for a question, he politely said no and walked passed us.  At that exact moment I felt the Lord tell me that I need to try again to approach him. So I turned around and noticed his Yankee cap.  Without really thinking I just yelled, "Go Red Sox!". He literally stopped in his tracks and turned around and with a friendly smirk on his face said, "What did you say?"  The next 45 minutes we spoke about everything from baseball, to family, to hobbies, until we got to the most important menu item on the day, the gospel.  Moose had never heard the gospel before.  He was super open and curious.  I was able to clearly explain the way of salvation to him and pray for him, and give him one of our Bibles we always give out.  Moose did not give his life to Jesus, but he walked away curious about this man Jesus more that when he approaches us.  I wanted to share that story because I feel it highlights something important.  Just because someone says no does not mean God is not working.  Keep pouring into those you love.  Keep planting seeds of truth.  Do whatever you can to start a conversation...even if that means offending a Yankees fan!

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