Our new 10 passenger van |
At the beginning of January, we finally found and bought a van that we hope to use for a long time coming for our family. It is a 2015 Ford Transit 10 passenger. We were able to use all the funds we have been raising since last March along with the insurance claim money for our totalled Toyota and buy this van. To all who have been praying for this need, and who personally contributed finances for this vehicle, we cannot say enough thanks. We truly are grateful. We started raising funds exactly a year ago, and how faithful we have seen the provision of the Lord through the generousity of His people. Sarah still is embaressed when we drive places because we have officially entered "that category" of people who have to drive basically a transport van to go places with their family! Ha ha!
Heading out for a hike in the new van. Plenty of room in here! |
Praise God Walter Family!!! I am so happy for you all :-)