As we come to the end of 2019, we ponder all the amazing things that have happened in our lives. God's faithfulness is truly humbling. From the home we are able to live in via the amazing generosity and kindness of our friends, to having groceries in the frig, and seven kids healthy and vibrant are blessings from God. We celebrated our 20th year Anniversary, this past October, as well as our 20th year in full time missions with YWAM. Time has flown bye! This past year we saw my folks as they were here for a month in April, then we saw Sarah's folks in August when we met up with them in Canada for vacation. The kids are all doing great. We still love and enjoy homeschooling, and the kids are doing very well in it. Anders (17) has been very busy flying, and working towards getting his instrument rating. He also stays VERY busy doing house projects for his mom. He is also working 4 days a week on a horse farm to earn some extra cash. Aidan (15) is wrestling 160 as a 10th grader and is loving it. He continues to be our entertainer and loves playing airsoft with his buddies, and is currently in the musical play "Newsies" with a local theater group. Abby (13) can always be found in one of two places...her room reading a book, or in the kitchen baking something. She loves reading and baking, and once a week she gets together with our pastors wife and he grandaughter (Abby's best friend) for Bible study and dinner. She also stays busy a few times a month having a job babysitting some friends toddler. Autumn (10) continues to create plays, circuses, and other forms of entertainment for the family. She is our family 'Dutch Blitz" champion as well. Annie (8) stays busy with school and entertaining her younger brother. This year she started choir and seems to really like it a lot. Alistair (6) enjoys school, playing anything he can with his siblings, and wearing ties....all the time. Adalynn (2) keeps all of us on her toes, and we think may be the most clever of all the kids, as she has a lot of "teachers".
Five out of the seven went out Trick or Treating in October |
Alistair next to our Thanksgiving turkey |
Aidan getting ready to cut down our Christmas tree |
Abby and Adalynn looking for our Christmas tree |
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