The past few months have whizzed by on the family side of things. The kids are all doing great despite the changes in life COVID has created. We have spent as much time outside before the rains come as we can. Back in late August we had terrible fires here in Oregon as I am sure you all know about. To get out of the smoke one weekend we headed up to Port Townsend, WA to a YWAM base up there. Our first two days were great, then all of a sudden our little Annie Rose decided that it would be a great idea to make things interesting and ended up in the hospital to have her appendix removed! So a weekend trip ended up being a 6 day trip! Praise God for the medical care that we received and for her full recovery! Other than that, life on the home front has been pretty status quo. Thank you all for your prayers for our family, we appreciate them so much!
Annie Rose in the hospital. What a blessed time we had together.
On October 24th Alistair turned 7. Time flies! |
Enjoying one last clear warm day before the rains on the coast! |
Trick or Treating was interesting this year. Very odd as all candy was put in bowls in peoples drive ways rather than the typical knocking on doors. Kids got a ton of candy and we had fun. As you may noticed, Anders opted out this year! |
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