Sunday, March 3, 2019

Sharing the Gospel with a priest

I recently was doing outreach with a friend of mine. We were walking past a beautiful Catholic church and I told my friend I wanted to just go inside the church. I love old churches, so my intentions were purely selfish and honestly maybe even an excuse to get out of the rain. As we sat inside the church, I noticed that the confessional lite was on and that the priest was taking confessions. Im not Catholic, and I had never been in a confessional. As I sat there, I heard the Holy Spirit tell me to go into the confessional and share the gospel with the priest. If you can imagine, ever doubt, questions, and reason not to do that came into my mind. "Are you kidding me Lord?"  Isn't that a bit awkward, if not seemingly arrogant?" As I sat there, i knew that I needed to do it. So I obeyed, and went into the confessional (picture above). To make a very long conversation short, I was up front and honest with the priest and told him I was not Catholic, but I wanted to ask him a question. I then asked him if he knew if he died today where he would spend eternity. He obviously was a bit taken back by the question, but his response was bone chilling. "My child he said, nobody can know the answer to that question." I proceeded further. I shared with him what the Bible says about certainty of eternal life through faith in Christ. I then asked him what he would tell me if I was seeking eternal life. His answer again was bone chilling as it was a works based righteousness type of answer. I left the confessional feeling very heavy hearted. Here was a many counseling thousands of people, and yet I believe he had not a clue as to the Gospel of grace. Disclaimer, I am not saying you cannot know Jesus and be Catholic. I know plenty of Jesus loving Catholics. What I am saying is that the teachings of the Roman Catholic church are not in accordance with scripture in so many regards, as was evidence in my discussion with the priest. Anyway, it was the first time I had even done anything like that but I am glad I did. I never thought I would ever say, "I got to share the gospel with a priest today."

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