Sunday, March 31, 2019

"Ugh...tomorrow is my monthly prayer meeting."

The above picture is of two pastor friends of mine. The first Monday of the month, we gather early at 7:00 am in my office to simply pray for the lost people of our city. I have to be honest, when that first Sunday night of the month rolls around and Im getting ready to go to bed and then check my calendar and remember that I have this prayer meeting, my first reaction is never excitement. As a matter of fact, I grumble, sometimes even try and think of an excuse to cancel. Just being honest. But then, I go. It is just us three. Thats it. But the same thing happens EVERY TIME. As we begin to pray, I am reminded of the beauty of prayer. The joy of gathering with other brothers in Christ to pray for lost people. And at the end of our time, I eagerly await our next months prayer time...that is until the night before that prayer time! You see, we wage a spiritual battle, and prayer is always one of those battlefields that Satan attacks so much. But when we gather to pray, the heavens move, lives are changed, our lives are changed as well. I wanted to share this with those who struggle to keep prayer a priority, rest assured I am one of them. But it is something we must not give up on, and like any Christian discipline, its rewards will reap both fruit now, and fruit eternally.

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