Saturday, April 25, 2015

It's Going to be a Busy Summer

It looks like it is going to be a pretty busy summer as we have five weeks of groups signed up so far.  Pray for another week as it would be awesome to have all six weeks of our summer season booked.  Spring Break was a busy time as well as we hosted about 50 students here.  i also ask for your prayers for Mission Adventures all across North America as locations begin to prepare for their summers.  We also have a few random teams coming for shorter three day trips over the next month, so I would appreciate your prayers for that as well!  

The Library

This Monday we will host our first Gospel Guy Network fellowship and training time that we will be calling, "The Library".  The Library is a once a month event where we invite all our Gospel Guy Network partners to come on out to the YWAM base for some food, fellowship, story sharing and training.  This month i will be speaking about the "Truth Tribe"...the four types of truth seekers we come in contact with on the streets.  This time I am hoping is a time of encouragement for our partners as they share stories about their past month on the streets and receive some traingin to prepare them for more ministry.  

Do Jerks Go to Heaven?

What is that you see?  Why...can it really be a portable marble playing table?  Yes it is!  That's rite folks, as the spring weather has hit Oregon I decided to bring back a blast from the past and get some marble playing action going on.  I'm looking forward to this.  any thing that we can do to hang out with people and tell them about Jesus we will do.  Pray for "Knuckledown"...the name we are giving this particular thing.  If you will notice, the question we have been asking lately is "do Jerks Go to Heaven?"  This has been an amazing questions that has given us great opportunities to share the Gospel!  Here is the facts,....there will be jerks who go to heaven....and there will be nice people in hell.  Why? If we cant answer that then we are missing the heart of the Gospel

Take Your Pick

If you look at the above picture, it is full of about as many different types of worldviews as you can imagine.  From crystal balls to tarrot cards from the Book of Mormon to the Koran, all of these things are going to be used in our new outreach we are doing called "Take Your Pick".  We are utilizing this outreach within our Gospel Guy Network as well as with our Mission Adventures teams coming this summer.  We have a table set up with a cool looking banner that says "Take Your Pick".  All of the above things as well as some others are on the table, and we are simply engaging people in discussion about what they believe and why.  stay tuned for testimonies of what the Lord is going to do through this outreach!