Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Spring Break Mission Adventures

The past 2 weeks we hosted around 35 high schoolers for our Spring Break Mission Adventures.  The two weeks were amazing.  Every year around this time, I begin to ask myself if I am getting to old for this type of ministry, but then I see what the Lord does in the lives of the students and I cant imagine not doing it.  Our theme this year is "Exhale/Inhale", and is based off of Titus 3.  Plain and simple, lives were changed, and not just the students lives either. 
The Gospel Guy Office downtown has been a huge asset for our briefing and debriefing times

Taking students on our Temple Tours.  Always an amazing eye opening time for them.
Students with their bus tickets rite before we took them to preach the Gospel on our city buses!
The last evening of the week we had students and leaders proclaim the Gospel on a stool in our city park.  Great time.
It was great to do our Crosswalk Outreach on Good Friday!

Our MA students had tons of evangelism opportunities, and spoke to people of all different worldviews.  This is the hand of a guy named Dillon who our students spoke with.  First time any of them spoke with a professing Pagan.

Spring Time in Oregon...Time to Get Hiking

Recently the weather has let up with the rain which means the Walter family tries to get outdoors and hike as much as we can!  Oregon is a true paradise for the outdoors, and we look forward to the weekends so we all can enjoy this beautiful land!

The kids enjoying a hike

Alistair likes the new addition to the family....Thumper the bunny.

Anders Walter....Magician?

When Anders was around 8 years old, he saw a slight of hand show by a man named Jeff Martin who is a professional slight of hand magician from our church.  Ever since then, Anders has always been interested in slight of hand.  Fast forward to present day...Anders has been getting mentored by Jeff and has really taken a liking to slight of hand.  So much, he has already performed at some birthday parties, YWAM events, and his latest was doing a show for one of our Mission Adventures teams.  He is getting really good at it, and it is so awesome to see him grow in confidence!  We are real proud of him!

One of our MA students wondering what in the world just happened!

Anders amazing the audience yet again!