Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Letters and Lyrics

As we continue to navigate this time during COVID 19, I am starting a new training component called "Letters and Lyrics...Lessons for the Past, Lessons for Today".  Once a week, we will be studying a letter from past church fathers, theologians, missionaries, etc and with it we will be looking at the lyrics of some classic hymns and studying their history and theology. As we look at these letters and lyrics, we will see how diving into this type of stuff can make us more evangelistic today in our every day life! Our first one is this Friday and I am really looking forward to it! Join in if your free ab able!

"Take a Walk With Me"

When we all went into "Shelter in Place", I began to take 3 walks a day, morning, afternoon and evening. Its great exercise and when its all said and done for the past 8 weeks I have been walking average of 8 miles a day! This has also helped me to loose about 10 pounds which is great, but I guess thats not the point of this post. Anyway, I began to see the same people all the time on my walks, and one day it occurred to me that I have never share the gospel with people in my neighborhood. Sad, but true. I have a ministry in our city thats sole purpose is to share the gospel, and yet, for some reason, I seem to turn that light switch off in my neighborhood. Well, this COVID 19 thing has been a blessing to me as it has given me a new perspective on the mission field of my neighborhood. So now, when I go on walks, I ask the Lord for witnessing opportunities, and boy has He given me them! I shared this with others in our ministry, and it has been so encouraging to see others joining in this. The fact is that rite now, by the nature of being "stuck at home", I have to be that much more intentional sharing the gospel with people. Don't worry, I keep a good 8 foot distance! Please pray for these daily walks, and the many who have joined with me in doing likewise. 


For the past 5 weeks, our weekly Evangelism training has focused on Mormonism. A local friend here who grew up Mormon has been leading our time, and as more people join in our ZOOM meetings, more and more questions pop up which means we simply extend the training each week. It has been eye opening and so beneficial. Actually led me to reach out to our Mormon neighbors the other day!

Weekly Temple Talks

Since Oregon went into "Shelter in Place" back in the end of March, I decided to try to set up our Temple Talks via ZOOM. So far, it has gone really well as we have had on Temple Talk a week since then. ZOOM has opened these up to anyone who would like to be a part, so it has been great having people form all over the globe join us! Please continue to pray for these times as we continue to build bridges with non believers, and ask sincere questions to challenge their worldviews and thinking. We have had talks so far with: Unitarian Universalism, Unity Path, Sikh, Muslim, Bahai, and Buddhist. We plan to continue these for as long as we can or until we run out of people who can host our discussions!