Saturday, February 4, 2017

A New Book

A few years ago I wrote a devotional if you remember.  I enjoyed that very much and about a year ago I felt led to start writing a book.  Crazy.  Up until about three months ago it never was something I wanted to really dive into and commit to, but the more I teach in YWAM schools, churches, etc..the more I have felt the desire to put much of my teaching material into a book form.  So I decided to take the plunge and do it.  I am working with my good friend who runs a publishing company called Overboard Ministries who published my devotional.  My editor is amazing.  Pray for her.  I would not want to edit my stuff at all!  Anyway, the book is about evangelism...big surprise there.  My hope is to have it published by summer time.  Once I get closer to finishing it up, I'll let you know how to order it!  I am very excited for this opportunity, and my prayer is that this book will help people to share the Gospel with others.  Still have not thought of a title yet.

Fruit On a College Campus

We ask for your prayers in regards to the ministry we are doing at one of our local college campuses here.  Simply put, God is blessing us with tremendous fruit.  This past month we have seen multiple people give their lives to Christ, and our week schedules are consisiting of follow up coffee meetings more and more.  It is amazing.  When students give their lives to Christ, we do follow up with them, and then we try and get them plugged into an ongoing college campus ministry like Ambassadors, or Intervarsity.  I am blown away though at the response at this campus.  Ministry downtown has been very difficult, and we have faced a lot of opposition in many ways.  The situation is just the opposite at this college campus. The Gospel is piercing the hearts of students every week.  Literally, since January 1st we have seen students come to Christ every week. Pray for us as we do follow up with these students and pray that they would stay true to Christ as they are new in the faith.

Many Witnesses!

The above picture is of our Winter DTS students.  Every Wednesday afternoon, we have the priviledge of taking them out on outreach in our city.  We split them up into 3 groups.  Two go to different college campuses and one group stays in our downtown center.  God is doing amazing things already with these students.  Please keep there outreaches up in your prayers.

2017 "State of the Gospel Guy Union" Address!

The start to 2017 has been an exciting one for sure!  This past month we had our "State of the Union" meeting where I talk about what are goals, hopes, etc.. for the upcoming year will be. It was a great encouraging time as we look at the strengths, weaknesses, bottlenecks, etc.  Some of these Goals for 2017 include:
  • Continued bridge building with local churches
  • More people doing evangelism with us from local churches
  • Once a month running a Saturday outreach in our city to provide outreach for people who cannot in the regular 9-5 work day.  This we will start in May. Please be praying for these times!
  • Increased financial support for the GGN
  • Start up of our Youth Ministry wing of the GGN.  This will happen after summer.