Friday, June 19, 2015

Gospel Guy Network Office

What your looking at is the future location of the Gospel Guy Network office!  We have been praying for a about 6 months about potentially renting a small office downtown.  Long story short, after taking our students on our "Temple Tours", one of the place we would take them to was the Christian Science church.  The people there are good friends of ours, and we pray that one day they would come to know Jesus.  Anyway, they are temporarily renting the above office as they do repairs for their larger one.  They asked us if we would like to rent it after they were out...month to month...for $400.  They are not the landlords, but they connected us with the landlords.  How cool is that? A place being used by a cult will soon be used for the Gospel Guy Network!  Pray for us, we do not have $400 a month.  We are asking network church partners to pray about committing a sum of money for an initial 6 month trial period for us to see if this office is worth it. One church has already committed $100!  We hope to be getting it in August. We see it serving 4 main purposes:

1. Continual Downtown Presence 
2. Launchpad for all our teams and churches involved with the network
3. Place to run our monthly training times out of
4. Meeting place to speak with people off the street

Calvary Chapel Soccer Festival

Its that time of year again where i help out at our churches Soccer Festival.  This is a cool outreach our church does to kids in the immediate vicinity where our church is located.  The soccer festival continues for another two weeks so please lift that up in prayer.  I was only able to help the first week a bit as we have MA groups arriving this weekend.

Salem and Yosemite?

This coming Monday starts our summer Mission Adventures season.  The picture above is of myself with some of our staff.  The two in the back right are a couple from Mission Adventures Yosemite.  We helped start their program last year and this year Rob and Sandy came up to learn a bit more about the nuts and bolts of running Mission Adventures.  They will be with us this next week and then head back to host some teams in Yosemite.  This is one of the great things about my job.  Being able to help other MA programs become more effective in their locations.  By the way...the breakfast was killer!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Earn the Rite to Share the Gospel?

I recently was asked by YWAM Salem's communications department to rite a quick blog entry about something pertaining to evangelism.  If your interested I copied the link below.  It deals with something I have been pondering a lot recently about "earning the rite to share the Gospel".  Hope you enjoy it.

Summer Schedules

As summer is a crazy busy time for us here, I just thought I would throw out a quick schedule of what we are up too. So here it goes...

 June 22- August 1 We are hosting Mission Adventures groups every week.  Every Sunday night, new groups arrive and then head out on Fridays.  Please join us in prayer as we see probably around 150 high school aged students come through our program over the next 6 weeks.  Mission Adventures is primarily what will keep us busy this summer, but there are other things that are happening!

Gospel Guy Network All summer long I will still be overseeing the GGN and trying to get more churches involved.  Pray for all the people involved and that this summer would be a fruitful time of ministry for the GGN.  Pray for the last Monday evening of every month as we have our training times with all our network partners.  We ask for specific prayers in regards to an opportunity that has popped up for us to rent a small office smack dab in the middle of our city.  I'll keep you posted, but this could be a real strategic opportunity.

Outward Apologetics School Prep I will also be putting together things for our Outward Apologetics School which starts the end of September.  Things are coming together nicely except in one KEY area....students!  We need 6 students to run this school, and although we have had lots of prospects, we are only at 3 who are enrolled.  I have to make the call by August 15th whether or not the school will run.  Please join us as we pray for the needed 6 students!

August 3-7 I will be teaching a week in our All Generations DTS on evangelism.  I am real excited for this and have actually for the first time ever compiled all my notes onto a key note presentation.  Teaching on evangelism is something I am passionate for and any chance I can get to speak in a DTS I will.  Pray for this time.

Family Life  The kids will be busy this summer being kids.  Playing outside, swimming lessons, etc... We are taking our usual summer family vacation by heading to Rocky Mountain National Park this summer in late August to meet up with Sarah's folks.  Looking forward to that.  We then will travel to South Dakota to visit supporters and one of our supporting churches.  Its been over 3 years since we have been back there so we are looking forward to it.

Hitting the Streets in the Summertime

Summer in Salem is beautiful, and we have been loving hitting the streets almost 5 days a week.  the above picture is of Aidan the first time he came out with us.  He seemed to have a great time and was pretty interested in  the discussions we were having.We have been seeing more and more favor with the Gospel Guy Network each week.  We now have 4 churches who are part of the network, and it is so encouraging to seeing more and more people from local churches get involved.  If you happen to be on facebook, and you would like to be added to our Gospel Guy Network facebook page please let me know!